Through a study on legislation and enforcing the guilty of misappropriation of public funds from the Criminal Law and Supreme Court of judicature Act. “挪而未用”的行为是否构成挪用公款罪,以及对“超过三个月未还”如何理解,在理论和司法实践中均有颇多争议。
In July, 2001, The Supreme People Court promulgates and implements "The Judicial Interpretation of Legal Utilization Involving Computer Domain Name in Civil Dispute Case", in which explicitly stipulated that the court has certain right to carry on well-known trademark judicature recognized. 2001年7月最高人民法院颁布实施《关于审理涉及计算机域名民事纠纷案件适用法律若干问题的解释》,第一次明确规定了人民法院有权对驰名商标进行认定。